Inversión en Criptomoneda Respaldada

What is a Token?

One of the terms of everyday use in the

cryptomunda is the token, an Anglicism that in

Spanish we could translate as a record. And

although in the environment of cryptoactive

technology the tokens have defined

characteristics, it is often confused with

cryptocurrencies and even use both words

indistinctly as synonyms. This inaccuracy comes

from the fact that both words describe value

units of a blockchain.

As in the physical world, the tokens in a chain

blocks function as means of exchange, however,

they can also have other functionalities.

The BBVA page offers a token concept taken

from the book The business blockchain, by

author William Mougayar, where it is described

as “a unit of value that an organization creates to

govern its business model and empower its

users to interact with its products, while

facilitating the distribution and distribution of

benefits among all its shareholders “.

It is commonly issued by fintech ventures or

related to the use of a blockchain, for which

they can represent an asset or have a

particular utility.

It resembles cryptocurrencies in that their

value is accepted by a community and in that

it exists in a blockchain, but it has more uses

than just a means of payment, since it can

represent any fungible and negotiable asset.


The blockchain offers a number of good tools

that can be used to benefit the trade of

companies, and can contribute to the

development and growth of a country’s



Today there are many young people who use

the blockchain as a source of income, other

people can use it for the effective exchange of

information, entertainment and much more.


However, despite the great media boom that

bitcoin’s price rise has had, as well as its

decline, the overcrowding of technology has

not yet reached the common user, who

despite being immersed in a lot of information

on the subject, Many still have a skeptical

aptitude for its use or growth.


Observing the current needs of the

environment where our idea is born, it can be

seen that the use of this technology and its

adoption are far from reaching, unless a

friendly system is developed, easily accessible

and easy to use, for both user as for the



One of the most difficult areas with which the

new user of the blockchain has found is the

lack of options and simplicity when making

transactions, however, in KoiTech Studio we

found the solution to that difficulty, and even

more, we give access to people with little

knowledge and without technological devices

at their disposal


The Projects of KoiTech Studio were

conceived so that everyone can earn money

from the Blockchain, since our Research, IT

and Technological Development team was

given the task of evaluating the different

proposals of the current market and their

weaknesses, and in this way, devise a

congruent portfolio that ensures the success

of the KOI currency, generating an

Independent and Integral Commercial

Ecosystem and, above all, Self-Sustaining

We offer Blockchain within everyone’s reach

You can earn money from the Blockchain


Our project consists in developing the

technology that the local and international

trade requires to be able to make an efficient

use of the blockchain, opening to them the

possibility to take advantage in the best way

possible of the different social groups that are

in their environment, as well as those that are

via network.

Name ; KOI

Symbol ; KOI

Type ; ERC20

Maximum Units ; 5,000,000,000

Pre-ICO Units ; 10,000,000

Pre-ICO Value ; 1 ETH = 952 KOI

Pre-ICO Start ; 01/02/2019

Pre-ICO End ; 28/02/2019

ICO Units ; 200,000,000

ICO Value ; 1 ETH = 476 KOI

ICO Start ; 01/03/2019

ICO End ; 30/04/2019

Public Sale Value ; 1 ETH = 280 KOI

Advantages of KOI POS

  1. Technology created for users without knowledge of Blockchain.
  2. No commission for using the platform.
  3. Option of anonymity in transactions..
  4. Multi-platform and multi-device technology.
  5. Future integration modules with electronic stores.
  6. Intuitive and user-friendly interface.
  7. Verifiable transactions through our internal browser
  8. Platform built for use through the following methods: QR Scanner, Sending payments with Email, Receiving Payment with ID
  9. P2P payments quickly without waiting for confirmation by the party of the blockchain.
  10. Marketplace for exchange of KOI by FIAT

Directors of Koitech Studio

  • Jesús Morán ; Founder / CEO

Creative entrepreneur with 20

years of experience in web

programming and applications for

Android system fulfilling functions

as director in multiple IT projects

with international impact. Within

his career he ventured for several

years in the communication area;

Today he is the Founder of Koitech

Studio and a faithful promoter of

the use of the Blockchain.

Professionally highlights its

frequent contribution of innovation

for the effective fulfillment of their

responsibilities; is a motivator and

promoter of peace, happiness and

collective entrepreneurship; his

personal goal is “to make history”

and his greatest fortune is the


  • José M. Márquez ; Founder / CEO

Founder of Koitech Studio and

owner of several leading companies

in the field of web programming,

3D design, Marketing and

Audiovisual Production, responsible

for numerous successful ventures

throughout his 21-year career, of

which automation projects and

Confidential technological advance

for different Governmental


Professional in the field of

Computer Science and Visual

Communication, characterized by

the natural exercise of leadership is

a person passionate about

audiovisual productions,

photography, martial arts and high

performance sports, God fearing,

respectful of life, nature and the

individual ideals.













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